Although there are many lakes and rivers in Minnesota, not everyone is able to live close enough to one to enjoy it. One way to replicate some of the benefits of living by water is to install a new waterfall or water feature on your property.
While not every project can support a new waterfall installation, water features of all sizes (and budgets) can quickly and noticeably improve the ambiance of your yard. There’s something soothing and welcoming when you have running water on your property, whether that’s a pond full of frolicking fish, seasonal stream, or manmade water feature. Not only will the sound encourage daydreaming and relaxation, but having the water on-site will bring new wildlife and insects to your yard. They can be a great way to level up your landscaping.
The most common reasons homeowners choose to install water features like fish ponds, fountains, or waterfalls include:
- Aesthetics. Let’s face it, one of the main reasons people install waterfalls and other water features is because they’re dang cool to look at and they serve as a unique focal point in the property’s landscape and design. Whether you enjoy the space with just your family or the whole cul-de-sac, water features serve as wonderful backdrops for big BBQs and intimate conversations alike.
- Ambiance. We challenge you to install a hammock or bring a lounge chair near your new water feature on a sunny afternoon and just lie down and close your eyes: Tell us that’s not one of the most relaxing and calming places you’ve rested in a long time. One of the biggest benefits we’ve seen with water features is how it can improve a homeowner’s ability to relax. With our phones always on thanks to work-at-home blending our personal and work lives, we need retreats. We need more ways to take a few points off of our blood pressure and enjoy the peaceful moments.
- Wildlife. We love how a new water feature becomes the literal watering hole for your local wildlife and welcome insects. You’ll quickly notice neighborhood birds drinking and bathing, area mammals coming by for a refreshing drink, and pollinating bees stopping by to cool off. Not only have you improved the local environment, but you’ve also just created some of the most enjoyable (and free) entertainment one can have.
- Privacy. While your new fountain or pond won’t block your neighbor’s view of your backyard, the running water can help minimize what they can hear. Privacy, particularly for conversations, can be improved when one of these is added.
If you’ve been thinking about adding a water feature to your yard, we highly recommend it. They improve your whole outdoor landscaping in a variety of ways and add a desirable niche feature to your home if you’re considering resale.
Contact Landscape Guys today to discuss your goals and to get an estimate. We serve the entire Twin Cities area and beyond.